Our family pet, Turkey Bird, is a larger than life presence in our house. He’s also inspired my work whether it’s wallpaper, pillows or art. I pulled together some of my favorite Turkey Bird inspired pieces from current (and previous) collections.

Turkey Bird in his favorite spot with our Lapis print as drapes behind him.
Turkey Bird is the inspiration for our Suka Moss print, which shows Turkey Bird flying around the house and landing in our plants and trees. Our handcrafted grasscloth wallpaper collection has a wonderful texture and elegant feel, made by skilled weavers using sustainable and renewable horizontally woven sisal. This print is also available as a fabric.

Suka Moss Wallpaper & Fabric
Here’s a coloring page for you to design your own Turkey Bird print below.

Suka Moss print on a bolster from a previous collection.

Hand painted tapestry with Turkey Bird. One of a kind piece from a previous collection.

Regina, my daughter, loved Turkey Bird from the moment they met.

Rachel, my wife, and Turkey Bird. Rachel has always been a bird person - she had birds as a kid. She met Turkey Bird when she lived in San Francisco in 2009. Her roommate brought him home and they instantly bonded.
Me and the bird.