It’s International Astrology Day and the stars are aligned. Here’s your pillow sign, according the the zodiac, of course!
Ground yourself with deep sultry green, teal, and peacock in a calm repeating pattern.
Mizan Peacock Kidney PillowGemini
Dazzle your visitors with your wit, and these gorgeous purple and blue blooms.
Hayati Decorative PillowCancer
Dive deep into conversation while resting on soothing blues with jewel-like blossoms and tassels.
Sofi Indigo Kidney PillowLeo
Show your style with detailed birds, flora, and even a dragonfly hand painted to perfection.
Nadal BolsterVirgo
Align and ground your home with the structural and stately fluted columns of this bolster.
Habi BolsterLibra
Light lavender florets and buds are sure to charm anyone who sees them, just as you do.
Acarya Decorative PillowSagittarius
Each shibori is a unique conversation piece, and will bring a sense of fun to any Sagittarian home.
Pari BolsterCapricorn
Summon good fortune and a sense of calm with this neutral edition of a tried-and-true classic.
Verdin Sand Decorative PillowAquarius
A unique and elegant hand painted bird will bring an air of excitement in an Aquarian’s setting.
Bird Watcher Decorative Pillow